Level up your UX content strategy skills

Join the Content Strategy Mastermind (CSMM), a community-oriented education and group coaching program focused exclusively on developing the talents of content strategists, content designers and UX writers.

CS Mastermind Membership

Sign up today to gain access to our expert-led private community of content strategists, plus:

  • Live teaching workshops (monthly)
  • Group coaching calls (bi-monthly)
  • Experts-in-residence and special guests
  • Library of resources—class recordings, workshops, tools and templates
  • Members-only Slack channels

Receipts automatically provided for submitting educational expense reimbursements.


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Member Testimonials


Accelerate your growth by joining a community designed for you.

Our members say they benefit from being part of a discipline-focused group because it gives them a unique opportunity to:

  • 🌎  Thrive in community with their peers
  • 🌻  Develop new content strategy skills
  • 🤔  Get feedback on their work
  • 🌲  Pursue career growth or career change
  • 💼  Navigate team dynamics with more success
  • 🖍️  Be more creatively fulfilled

2024 Focus

Instructor: Matt Herron, Principal Strategist and Founder


Content Audit & Experience Evaluation

Learn and practice evaluative techniques used by content strategists to analyze and report on digital and hybrid digital/physical experiences.


UX Artifacts for Content Strategy

An overview of the landscape of user experience artifacts employed by content strategists practicing human-centered design.


Information Architecture

Learn the fundamental practice of information architecture for navigation by doing it—break down and re-create a navigation for a brand or company of your choice.


Content Modeling for Headless CMS

Fundamentals of content engineering, or how to model structured content for a CMS implementation or replatform. We’ll use Contentful’s API as our model for this course.


UX Writing

Writing for interfaces and user interaction is a different skill than copywriting—and anyone can learn it! This class is an overview of the basics.


Journey Mapping

Fundamentals of content engineering, or how to model structured content for a CMS implementation or replatform. We’ll use Contentful’s API as our model for this course.


Content Marketing Strategy

We’ll close out this year by practicing the fundamentals of how to communicate content marketing ideas to clients—including the fundamentals of SEO and content discoverability.

Grow faster and go farther in community

Join Matt Herron's CS Mastermind group today.

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